
Friday, April 13, 2012

Similarities and Differences


  1. Hello Dmitri Shostakovich I your style of music and really creates a diversity from what i'm use to hearing. What we have in common is both of parents supported in our own individual art and some how made us who we are today. What is different is Russia was very poor at the time when you had got interested in arts it may have effected your financial goals that you wanted to complete. I would say that your piece titled Second Waltz is my favorite and would be something that I could use in one of my new choreography's.

  2. Mr.Shostakovich,
    Hello I am Georgia O'Keeffe, an American Painter. I have always admired your work. Your 7th symphony which is about the terrible events of 1941, is a profound piece of music. We are both major artists of the 20th century, you from Russia and I from America. We both broke away from traditional work and explored very different ideas of what art is.
    The differences between us is that our inspiration comes from different sources. My work is based on landscape and is a very private and personal journey. Your work is expressing political and social events in Russia, and you made very strong political statements which you stood by even if things became a bit hot.
    I love your first piano concerto, the one you dedicated to your City of Leningrad, which you composed at a very young age. You are one of the most important composer of the 20th century and I admire you.
    yours, Georgia

  3. Hello Mr. Shostakovich, my name is Adolph Zukor. People called me the first ever movie mogul. I can't say that I had heard of you before this encounter take no offense in that. After looking though and listening to your music and reading about you through your interview I would really love to hear you play in person.

    The differences between us are, you grew up in a household where you didn't have enough food to go around. I however could not say I was a Fattened little pig, but I never went hungry. I never really knew my father he died before I could and my mother and I were never really close, then she died and I was raised by my uncle.

    Similarities are few. We both took great interest in our art at a young age. I also hear you wrote a few plays, I would love to see them some time and maybe even create a production with it.

  4. Hello Mr. Shostakovich, I am Werner Reinhart. You also might know me by the Man with Golden Hands. I like your compositions very much, and i would love to meet you.

    Our differences are that the way i express my music is through my thoughts and feelings where as you express your music through political and social reasonings.

    Our similarites are that we have both been interested in our music since we were very young and we were both supported by our parents.

  5. Bonjour! Je m'appelle Étienne-Nicholas Méhul. I am a French Composer.It has seemed that I have crossed into a different era, but I couldn't help but notice that we are both very well known musicians of our very differn't time periods. I wanted to say that your work is very Fantastique and I admire your passion with the emotions that create using your music, as I admire flowers! À bientôt M. Shostakovich!

  6. Hello there Mr. Shostakovich. How are you? I have to say we have a few similarities, you as a composer and me as a singer and dancer, even though your music is sadder and the music I sing and dance to is happier and more joy filled.Also, we wiere both encouraged by our. parents, especially mothers. Your mother was more of a caring one t,hough; she didn't make work like mine did. I would have to say our main differance is music style. Yours was harsh and about the Soviet Union, where mine tries to cheer people up. I was never allowed to listen to your music, because I always had to be happy, so I wasn't aware of sad things happening. I would love to learn more and listen to more of your songs!

  7. There's a few similarities that we have. Not many but a few. I see we both come from a very musical family. Both of our parents are musically inclined. Other then us being musicians, we don't really have anything in common.
